It Is Never Too Soon To Prepare For Tomorrow
No matter what stage of life you are in, from your college days to your golden years, it is never too soon to prepare your wills and power of attorney wishes. These preparations are not just for the dispersal of your assets after death, they can also answer serious and complicated medial questions on your behalf when you are not able to answer them on your own.
Here at Dummier Young LLC, our Alabama representation can help you keep your friends and loved ones from making hard decisions for you when you have passed on or are physically or mentally incapable of answering their questions. Our years of extensive experience can make the difference in your needs.
How We Can Help You
Many of our clients do not know much about estate planning. Our team wants to help educate our clients about some of the more common areas of our services:
- Wills – This is a legally binding document that specifies how you want your money and assets to be divided among your loved ones. If this document is vague or incomplete, it can cause confusion and squabbles among your loved ones or lead them to try to contest the will.
- Power of attorney – This is a person that you designate to make serious decisions on your behalf if you are no longer able while you are living.
- Health care directive/living will – This document puts your medical wishes into words to ensure that your loved ones and medical staff are following your preferences regarding medical treatment or end-of-life care.
- Asset protection — In conjunction with your estate planning documents, we can help you establish various types of trusts to protect assets while you are living and provide for beneficiaries after you are gone.
What makes these matters so important is that there is no telling what tomorrow will bring, so you need to prepare yourself today. Even if you established your will and power of attorney in the past, it is crucial to regularly update them when there is a significant change in your life, such as a divorce, remarriage or new child.
Begin Planning For Tomorrow Now
If you are ready to protect your tomorrow, contact us today. You can arrange a meeting at our offices in Birmingham or Gardendale by calling 205-631-8004 or emailing us here. Act now to schedule your initial consultation with a compassionate attorney who wants to see you protect your best interests.
No representation is made that the quality of legal services performed is greater than the quality of services performed by other lawyers.